
A view into what we do at the CarbMin Lab

Core sampling from a field demonstration using crushed rock from the Baptiste deposit in the Decar Nickel District, BC.

Mineralized atmospheric carbon in tailings from Clinton Creek mine, Yukon.

Field demonstration preparation at Gahcho Kué mine in the Northwest Territories.

Prepping samples for analysis in the lab at UBC.

Field work in the Decar Nickel District, BC.

Aerial view of the carbonate playas field site in Atlin, BC.

Measuring carbon dioxide fluxes using eddy covariance (background) and dynamic closed chambers (foreground) in Atlin, BC.

Field experiment in Prince George, BC.

Presenting results at the AME Roundup Conference, 2020.

Core sampling carbonated tailings at a mine in Australia.

Simulated mineralization of powerplant exhaust CO2 in laboratory experiments.

Public forum to share our work with the town of Atlin, BC, where we conduct research.

Configuring sensors in the lab at UBC.